On Mon, February 27, 2012 9:37 am, Simon Schick wrote:
> The development of the unicode-as-default-charset should really be
> done
> within the next release coming after 5.4
> I heared somewhere that it's nearly done ...
> I would have happily seen it in 5.4 but as this release is late right
> now
> we have to wait ;)

I was off on medical leave for awhile, but last I heard, the one (1)
guy who cared enough to work hard-core on a Unicode PHP realized just
how terribly difficult it was, and just how many irreconcilable issues
it raised, and he stopped working on it.

Nobody else has taken up the banner, and PHP 6 trunk was moth-balled
and started over, or so I heard...

That sums up, even over-simplifies, a whole mess of threads,
discussions at conferences, and IRC discussion in a couple
sentences... I apologize to all for the over-simplification, and
possibly outright errors.

While I understand the allure of writing code in one's native
language, and the ease of having one's native language supported out
of the box in the string built-in type...

There are mechanisms available in PHP now, which are more cumbersome,
but they work without the very complex issues alluded to in paragraph

Other languages may have this feature, but they were included from the
beginning.  Grafting them on to PHP at this point was attempted, and,
as far as I know, failed.  It was an ambitious attempt, and the issues
could not have easily been foreseen, so it's probably very
disheartening to have failed just short of the goal line.

That's the way the ball bounces sometimes.

Again, please forgive me if I have completely failed to catch
something here, especially as I'm just getting back into the flow of

brain cancer update:

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