On Mon, February 27, 2012 1:22 pm, Kris Craig wrote:
> Now that you've voiced your opposition, can we please dedicate this
> topic
> to discussing how this can be done?  If you think we're wasting our
> time,
> then ok; it's our time to waste.  I'd be happy to take you up on your
> challenge to try to implement this, but first we have to brainstorm
> what
> exactly we'll be doing.  And that'll be much easier if we don't have
> to
> keep sifting through duplicate posts about why this is a bad idea.
> Let's
> just set that aside for now so we can brainstorm.

Last post on this topic:

Would you please consider creating a separate list or wiki page or
incomplete RFC, so that those of us who consider the discussion
fruitless from past experience can ignore it until it crystallizes a
bit more?

A weekly update to the list, or even daily, of the progress would be
quite reasonable, and keep everybody in the loop, without the details
and less "flames".

I truly believe this will be a more constructive use of your time, and
ours, or I would not ask it of you.


brain cancer update:

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