On 03/06/2012 08:34 AM, Adam Jon Richardson wrote:
> 1) Internal functions seen as universally safe would by default be allowed
> (e.g, str_replace(), array_pop(), etc.)
> 2) Unsafe internal functions would have to be explicitly declared (e.g.,
> file(), stream_*, etc.)
> 3) Any includes or requires within the sandboxed code would be forced to
> meet the same restrictions. (tricky)
> 4) Code containing unsafe functions not included in the whitelist would
> raise an error.
> Thoughts?

Isn't that basically what all template engines tried to solve before
with giving you a defined subset of tokens that are more or less
directly converted to php code? The benefit I see is that plugin
developers wouldn't need to learn a new DSL (domain-specific language),
but use PHP code. Just that it's not PHP if you disable 90% of the
functions available.

While the idea is certainly not bad, I'm not sure you could write
sensible plugins for applications with only a few string functions at
hand. My gut instinct tells me you'll run into something like "I wish I
had this dir() to get the files in this directory" more sooner than
later. Last plugin (for Drupal) I wrote for example hooked into the File
API and saves/retrieves uploads to/from MogileFS. So that's file access
AND network access, and those would quite probably the first on the list
to be blacklisted. And if you only blacklist a few, disable_functions
might be enough.

To sum it up, to solve this problem I'd be more thinking about creating
a specific DSL (like puppet) to fill my needs and not try to make people
write some sort of 50%-PHP with constant lookup which functions are
allowed and which are not.


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