Hi Pierre

2013/1/29 Pierre Joye <pierre....@gmail.com>:
> It is not done yet. But given that the code is clean and easily
> maintainable, it could be much more efficient for us to focus on one
> extension and make it rock instead of trying to get each of them work
> well. As Rasmus stated, between the opcode/engine and the way such
> extensions work, we only have a handful of developers able to work on
> them, and not full time.

I totally agree that having one extension and making it work
altogether is better, but the way I see it presented is that Zend
wants to lends us a hand if we pick their product, FOSS it and put it
into the core, so we got some more people working on it (I won't say
full time), but I'm sure that if its a Zend product there are gonna be
some more attention to it from their side.


Kalle Sommer Nielsen

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