Lazare Inepologlou <> schrieb:
> I use anonymous classes very frequently in Java and in C#, and I would say
> that they are quite useful. However the examples given in the RFC are
> really bad ones. Why on earth would you need a constructor for an anonymous
> class? Anonymous classes are used to implement quickly some interface.
> Frankly, constructors are not part of any interface. Besides a constructor
> is totally useless in an anonymous class as it will never be called after
> the object is created.

The need for anonymous classes in Java mostly comes from implementing
interfaces on demand due to the lack of lamdas and the requirements of
a strongly typed language. PHP has lambdas and it doesn't require you
to match typing. Therefore I think the preferred way for most of the
use cases is to use a lambda or if a bigger implementation is necessary,
to give it a name. Due to namespacing you don't pollute the global scope
anyway. Therefore I don't see much reason left as to why add anonymous
classes and I really have a hard time finding a use case, except for trying
to write PHP as you would write Java (which most likely is a bad idea).

- David

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