On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 8:25 AM, Terence Copestake <
terence.copest...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Playing devil's advocate here, could this feature make the language more
> expressive?
> Take for example an API where you'd typically wrap a method call in
> try/catch blocks to handle the various "outcomes" e.g. a user login, you'd
> maybe have a UserDisabled exception, a UserAlreadyLoggedIn exception, a
> UserPasswordIncorrect exception, etc.
> With the addition of this syntactic sugar, the method could instead accept
> an anonymous class with a onDisabled, onLoggedIn, onPasswordIncorrect
> methods.
> Perhaps it would also have a performance benefit over cascading through
> catch blocks? Though someone else would have to confirm that.

Why wouldn't you want this to a concrete, real class? I don't see the
benefit, in your example, of doing an anonymous class vs defining an actual
class and passing that in as the handler.

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