The superglobals are a hopelessly poor abstraction. Can we stop trying to
put the proverbial gold ring in the pig's snout on this?

While a change to `$_QUERY` and `$_BODY` would undoubtedly be an
improvement I don't think the massive BC breaks that would result are
justified by simply improving variable names. The problem isn't
nomenclature; it's globally mutable data structures whose key-value nature
aren't a good fit for the unrestricted possibilities of HTTP. You can't
efficiently model an HTTP request with associative arrays. Period.

The other elephant in the room is that your average wordpress developer
will continue to use `$_GET` and `$_POST` regardless. So any improvements
that are made should be targeted at professional developers. The obvious
thing to do here is to introduce an entirely separate abstraction that can
be used by professional developers without eliminating the exceedingly
simple superglobal abstraction (hello, BC easily retained).

Something like the following would be an infinitely superior solution:

interface HttpRequest {
    function getMethod();
    function getContentType();
    function getContentLength();
    function getBody();
    function getBodyStream();
    function hasHeader($fieldName);
    function getHeader($fieldName);
    function hasFormField($fieldName);
    function getFormField($fieldName);
    function hasCookie($fieldName);
    function getCookie($fieldName);

By adding a global function such as `get_request()` that returns the
immutable request object you get all the functionality you could want:

1. Entity body parsing (for cookies or form data) could be done JIT
2. Userland code can easily typehint against the request
3. No more mutability, eminently testable
4. Eliminates the need for `$_GET`, `$_POST`, `$_COOKIE`, etc ...

This is simply an example of a much better way to model HTTP requests --
it's not a suggestion for a final implementation. But IMO if we're going to
fix this then we should really fix it and not continuously tickle the same
broken abstraction.

Some other thoughts ...

> While we're at it, can we remove the quirk that existed due to
> where periods and such are replaced with underscores?

I think "fixing" this is a bad idea. You simply can't allow invalid
variable name characters as part of these keys. That's asking for trouble.
This problem is completely nullified with an immutable request object,

> I would *strongly* recommend against adding additional body parsers that
> are automatically invoked based on the content type. Adding additional
> parsers creates a high security risk.

Agreed. It's best to retain the thoroughly tested existing parser
functionality for things like multipart, url-encoded forms and cookies.
These can easily be reused as part of a JIT object-based solution.
Everything else should be the user's responsibility (until proven so
ubiquitous as to be useful at the language level). Manual userland parsing
should be trivial as long as the raw entity body is available.

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