On 30 July 2014 18:51, Adam Harvey <ahar...@php.net> wrote:
> -1 explanation: I don't think %% is clear enough, the only sensible
> syntax choice (//) is unavailable to us, and I think the utility of
> having it baked into the language as an operator is pretty minimal
> regardless (I coded a lot of Python for scientific research in a
> previous job, and I don't think I ever used //, and you'd think that's
> the place where you'd use it).
> +1 on the function, though — quick searches on Ohloh and Github
> suggest that there are a grand total of three open source projects
> that implement a global intdiv() function. Seems safe enough.
> Adam

This describes my voting choice exactly. I'm not against the idea of
an operator, but %% is not the right operator choice for me. I could
live with /% but it still doesn't feel quite right. I don't have a
practical implementable suggestion for an alternative, so I guess
we'll just have to live without it.

Of course, this does not preclude us from introducing this in the
future if someone comes up with a better idea :-)

Thanks, Chris

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