Hi Jorge,

On Tue, September 16, 2014 18:11, Jorge F. Hernandez wrote:
> On 9/16/2014 11:14 AM, Anatol Belski wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Tue, September 16, 2014 15:54, Christoph Becker wrote:
>>> Jorge F. Hernandez wrote:
>>>> I am running PHP 5.6.0 x64 on my Windows Server 2008 R2 with Apache
>>>> 2.4
>>>> x64, I just tried to put a "memory_limit" higher than 3584M and I
>>>> got a white screen when trying to access phpinfo() to check, I also
>>>> tested uploading a 6GB file (after changing memory_limit back to
>>>> 3.5G - x86
>>>> maximum) and it only uploaded 1.92GB.
>>> The PHP 5.6.0 x64 builds are tagged as experimental and do not
>>> provide 64-bit integer or large file support.  See
>>> <http://windows.php.net/download/#x64>.
>>> As Anatol already wrote, you'll have to have a look at master, which
>>> you have to build yourself AFAIK; see <http://php.net/git.php> and
>>> <https://wiki.php.net/internals/windows/stepbystepbuild>.
>>> Please do not top-post; see
>>> <http://git.php.net/?p=php-src.git;a=blob_plain;f=README.MAILINGLIST_R
>>> ULES
>>> ;hb=HEAD>.
>> I made a build from the current revision
>> http://windows.php.net/downloads/snaps/ostc/master-f469dc74/ so anyone
>> curious can easy snuffle :) It contains all the currently ported exts +
>> debug symbols, no PGO. Please catch up later with windows.php.net when
>> the build bot issue is fixed.
Thanks for checking this. Please report any strange occurrences to the
bugtracker, handier to manage. Some parts can be of course broken, it's
still work in progress. Nevertheless, there are exts, sapi and other parts
which can be tested, or some special things regarding 64 bit.



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