> We would have to require ICU, but that might be worthwhile for PHP 7
> anyway. Having at least one i18n API that's guaranteed to be available
> would be nice.
It's 2014.  I think requiring ICU is reasonable at this point.

Orthogonal to this RFC, but I'd be in favor of deprecating all the
non-ICU intl stuff sometime soon.

> I probably worded that badly — I just mean that I don't think \u and
> \U should be limited to only u"" strings, but should work in normal
> strings as well. (In other words, I'm agreeing with what's in your
> RFC, not with Sara.)
I don't feel strongly about the u"" requirement, it doesn't make the
world a darker place if we're more permissive.

> Plus, it’s worth noting that \u would still be different from \ooo and \xXX 
> anyway,
> as it’d be fixed-length while octal and hex aren’t.
And I really wish that weren't true. :p


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