> On 24 Nov 2014, at 23:19, Sara Golemon <poll...@php.net> wrote:
>> We would have to require ICU, but that might be worthwhile for PHP 7
>> anyway. Having at least one i18n API that's guaranteed to be available
>> would be nice.
> It's 2014.  I think requiring ICU is reasonable at this point.

I also think it would be reasonable to require ICU, especially as it means we 
could perhaps enable Joe Watkins’s UString by default, assuming it actually 
makes it into PHP 7.

That said, I don’t think we should go down the route of making \u convert to 
the current encoding. It doesn’t make much sense, if any, for non-Unicode 
encodings, and nobody is using UTF-16 or UTF-32. Plus, it’d be inconsistent, 
given we don’t convert any of the other escape sequences in strings anyway! It 
would be quite weird if \u{77} converted yet \x77 did not.

Andrea Faulds

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