> On 25 Nov 2014, at 10:41, Dmitry Stogov <dmi...@zend.com> wrote:
> u8"string" tells that the whole string is UTF-8 encoded.
> Your escape Unicode proposal  assumes just UTF-8 codepoint, but the whole 
> string encoding is still undefined.

True. There’s an assumption there that you’re using a UTF-8-compatible source 
file. Actually, for other encodings, do we even guarantee that “\n” produces an 
ASCII LF just now? It certainly will on most Windows and Unix systems, but 
since we’re just using C’s ‘\n’ 
(http://lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_language_scanner.l#885), it might 
produce the newline character of some other encoding like EBCDIC in the right 

> > If you're using other encodings, why do you want to use a Unicode 
> > codepoints? Most Unicode codepoints will not supported by another character 
> > set.
> Agree, this Unicode escapes are not going to be used for anything except 
> UTF-8 encoded strings.
> I'm not completely against it. It's just an incomplete solution.
> echo "\u{1F602}"; // won't output 😂 if the output encoding is not UTF-8
> echo "Привет \u{1F602}"; // won't output anything useful if script encoding 
> is not UTF-8
> The second problem present even for European counties that use Windows-1250 
> codepage.
> echo "mañana \u{1F602}"; // won't output anything useful if script encoding 
> is not UTF-8
> Thanks. Dmitry.

Yeah, that’s unfortunate. Although I don’t think there’s much we can do about 
it here. We can’t really convert, as if most Unicode characters won’t be 
available in the codepage you’re using.

Even if we did have Unicode strings like the fabled PHP6 would have had, you 
still have this problem when you’re outputting in non-Unicode encodings.

Although it’s worth noting that mbstring *should* handle this, since if you 
have an internal encoding of UTF-8 and an output encoding of, say, 
Windows-1250, you can use UTF-8 in your strings it should convert that for you 
on output. How well this works in practice, however, I have no idea.
Andrea Faulds

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