Andrea Faulds wrote on 23/01/2015 14:37:
Hey Nikita,

On 20 Jan 2015, at 21:46, Nikita Popov <> wrote:

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 9:54 PM, Marc Bennewitz <> wrote:

valid for call_user_func[_array] and callable type-hint but invalid for
for direct variable calls:
- string "MyClass::staticFunc"
- string "self::staticFunc"
- string "static::staticFunc"
- string "parent::func"
- string "parent::staticFunc"


Thoughts ?

I would prefer deprecating this alternative notation instead of adding more
support for it. The [$class, $method] form is the canonical form we support
everywhere and which is consistent with the [$obj, $method] callbacks.
There's no point supporting another alternative notation, especially if it
was effectively unusable for a while now already.
By the way, this notation is also used by constant() and defined():

$ php -r 'class Foo { const FOO = 3; } var_dump(constant("Foo::FOO"), 

It’s also very intuitive compared to the function syntax. I see no reason we 
shouldn’t support it more widely.

+1 on this being more intuitive syntax, although the array syntax is convenient for dynamically selecting each part separately, and obviously for calling non-static methods.

It actually feels kind of weird that as of PHP 7, an array is more callable than a string:

class Foo { static function bar() { echo 'Hello'; } }

Foo::bar(); // OK
['Foo', 'bar'](); // OK
'Foo::bar'(); // FATAL ERROR

Rowan Collins

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