
On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 6:39 PM, Andrea Faulds <a...@ajf.me> wrote:
> Hey Derick,
>> On 2 Feb 2015, at 16:35, Derick Rethans <der...@php.net> wrote:
>> On Mon, 2 Feb 2015, Dmitry Stogov wrote:
>>> As I already told, in my opinion, version 0.1 was the perfect solution that
>>> fit into PHP semantic very well.
>>> declare(strict_types=1); - is really weird solution.
>>> It changes type hinting behavior per file scope, so, just to try strict
>>> type hinting in a big project, people will have to change every single PHP
>>> file.
>> THis is why I believe it makes more sense to have this switch on the
>> callee side, instead of on the calling side.
> That does have its advantages. But it also has some quite severe problems.
> For starters, if you set that flag on the callee side, you just broke 
> everything that uses that function and passes the “wrong” type. That’s a 
> migration headache.
> It also means that you don’t have any choice over strictness as the user of 
> an API: some APIs are strict, others weak. That means three lines of code 
> might use three different approaches argument strictness. I don’t like that 
> terribly much.

As already said, we're just going around in circles at this point, but
a migration issue?

Whatever code using the scalar type hints should be *new* code in
userland. You're basing your whole argument on the assumption that all
internal functions would break with strict=1 ... nobody needs that and
it doesn't have to be done.


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