Hi Dmitry,

> On 2 Feb 2015, at 19:26, Dmitry Stogov <dmi...@zend.com> wrote:
> Agree. Strict type checks are simple and may be implemented more efficient.
> But in case we have to support both - weak and strict, this won't make any 
> advantage.

I think this still works even if we support both. The RFC’s approach means that 
within one file everything is strictly-typed, for example (except in rare cases 
of declare() block usage).

> Static analyzers can work with weak conversion rules as well.

This is true, but weak conversion rules are less useful for error-checking in 
practice: for some conversions, you can’t say AOT if they’ll work or fail, just 
that they’ll “maybe” succeed. So I think analysis of strictly-typed code would 
be more effective.

> Anyway, this is not directly related to run-time semantic we discuss now.

This is true.

Andrea Faulds

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