On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 1:30 PM, Leigh <lei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17 February 2015 at 05:48, Sara Golemon <poll...@php.net> wrote:
>>>> We can sigh and tut about this not being "the PHP way", but the script
>>>> author was the one who chose to enter into a tight contract, and the
>>>> script author, not you, is the one who should have that authority over
>>>> their own application.
>>> I find this view way too extreme.
>> You find giving authority over an application to the application
>> author too extreme?
> And you find taking authority over a library away from the library
> author completely acceptable?
> If I write an API that works perfectly well in strict mode, why
> shouldn't I be able to turn strict on for my whole library? Do I just
> tell users that non-strict mode constitutes undefined behavior for
> this library, and refuse to fix any bugs that come up because of it?
> I'm sure I could find a way of detecting non-strict mode and throw a
> fatal, or force access through a facade/wrapper of some sort where
> I've turned on strict and made myself the caller. Isn't this equally
> unhelpful? The point is some people will want strict turned on, and
> they will find ways to force it on people. You're going to have to
> live with it, so just make it a possibility from the outset.

^ That. I've said the same thing multiple times already.


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