On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 3:30 AM, Leigh <lei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17 February 2015 at 05:48, Sara Golemon <poll...@php.net> wrote:
>>>> We can sigh and tut about this not being "the PHP way", but the script
>>>> author was the one who chose to enter into a tight contract, and the
>>>> script author, not you, is the one who should have that authority over
>>>> their own application.
>>> I find this view way too extreme.
>> You find giving authority over an application to the application
>> author too extreme?
> And you find taking authority over a library away from the library
> author completely acceptable?
I'm not suggesting taking authority of the library away from its
author, so you question is invalid.

> If I write an API that works perfectly well in strict mode, why
> shouldn't I be able to turn strict on for my whole library? Do I just
> tell users that non-strict mode constitutes undefined behavior for
> this library, and refuse to fix any bugs that come up because of it?
This RFC allows you to turn on strict for your library.  What it
doesn't do is allow you to turn on strict for the calling application.
   What's yours is yours, what's theirs is theirs.


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