On 2 April 2015 at 16:01, Keyur Govande <keyurgova...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To Rasmus's point, here's a PR for HHVM to provide a thread-safe setlocale
> implementation: https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/pull/4736/files
> It should be fairly easy to refactor the thread-safe-setlocale.(h/cpp) files
> for Zend.

Ok, that' pretty awesome. So assumming that we incorporated that new
thread safe version of locale, how would we expose it? Most people who
are calling setlocale are unaware of it's side effects, and so should
be using the new safe version by default.

Some people who are calling setlocale will actually be using the
cross-thread behaviour and so that still needs to work.

setlocale is a variadic function, so it's not possible to hack in a
flag parameter. As much as I dislike ini settings, it seems like
adding one here would be sensible e.g. 'thread_safe_setlocale'

* If it's enabled the setlocale function calls the new thread safe

* If it's disabled the setlocale function calls the current non-TS C
setlocale function.

Does anyone have a better suggestion on exposing a thread safe version?


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