Adam Harvey wrote:
> What about just adding another function: setlocale_global(), or similar?

Do you mean setlocale would become the thread safe one, and
setlocale_global() would be the current behaviour? If so, that would
be a BC break for the small number of people who are deliberately
using setlocale globally. We could do that at a major version I guess.

I think the ini setting is still better - it allows people to use code
that was written assuming that setlocale was safe to use, rather than
forcing them to change it.

It might be best to introduce both setlocale_ts() and
setlocale_global(), so that users could call either explicitly, and
have the ini setting control which one setlocale() points to. If we
did that we could also then plan to eventually deprecate both the ini
setting and the plain setlocale without _ts/_global.

Ryan Pallas wrote:
> I like the idea of an INI actually, but I would make it default to the 
> current behaviour and user education so those who need TS know to change it.

The problem with that is that for people who aren't aware of the
setting, they wouldn't know that they need to change the setting.
Instead they just want their code to work properly 'out of the box'.
For the vast majority of people calling the thread safe version of
setlocale would be what they problem want it to do, and so PHP should
default to the right thing for the majority of people.

Of course there is a separate argument about changing the behaviour at
major/minor version, and if this was introduced then having to
`thread_safe_setlocale=off` for 7.1 and `thread_safe_setlocale=on` for
8 could be correct.


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