
I think we are talking about rather different things, including
using different "languages" :-)

But I did not see a trace of any web-based client-solutions on
the X9-web-link that your X9-college Tom pointed to.

Because I'm mainly focusing on the client-solution for web-based
transactions.  Particularly as I feel this is the biggest problem.
Therefore a "zero-client" solution seems like a necessity.
Zero-client (using my definition), is to not require any hardware
or software beyond what the clients already need for connecting
to their Internet-banks.  Such solutions are currently all over the
map, spanning from userid/passwords to full-fledged PKI-
solutions using smart-cards and digital signatures.  I don't intend
to even *touch* this part, as this would be like begging for a
major disaster.  Like SET 1.0...

Regarding the transaction from the CFI=>Merchant=>Acquirer,
I'm open for suggestions as this is not my "territory".   So if
X9.59 is compatible with current schemes it should fit right in.
Please feel free to suggest how X9.59 could replace the current
3D Secure authenticated payer message and what the pros and
cons (there must be such as well), would be with respect to the
*existing* payment structure(s) which you are much more acquainted
with than I am.

I noted though that the 3D Secure specification does not even mention
8583-transactions which indicates that there are some problems in
this end as well which *may* call for switching/proxying etc.


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