
May I ask why you want an intermediate CA?  A thing that should
be high on the whish-list ought to be a hosted CA where the
issuer just do the RA-stuff.   Hundred of banks can in this way
share facilities (but not necessarily CA-keys) without huge
investments in an activity that is not core-business.  This is
how some Nordic banks have handled PKI for other purposes.

BTW, it is seems that many banks investing in EMV are skipping the
PKI-version.  Is that your experience as well?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Amol Natu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Internet-Payments List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 13:52
Subject: EMV - Dynamic Data Authentication


DDA is one of the authentication options available as part of the offline
authentication process between an EMV card and its corresponding terminal.
In this the Trusted CA (run by the card schemes) signs CA's for issuer banks
who inturn sign the end user certificates stored on cards.

Is there is possibility of an intermediate CA coming into picture between
the Card Scheme CA (root CA) and the Issuer Bank CA ?
So the way this would operate is, the card scheme cross signs regional CA's
who in turn signs Issuer Bank CA's.

During the authentication process, the terminal should chain up to the root
CA and perform the necessary checks.

Some thoughts ..


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