A Look into Banking Trends for 2003
Alenka Grealish, Celent Communications
Jan 17, 2003

Heightened competition from non-banks, a persistent bearish market, and a
general erosion of consumer confidence will continue to influence banks' IT
decisions in 2003. In particular, Celent expects banks to step up their
privacy, security, and risk management efforts. In addition, banks will
tackle two daunting areas in need of an overhaul: check processing and core
processing. Within retail banking, we predict that investment in
multi-channel integration and customer knowledge will continue to expand
and that these projects will come to fruition within the next three years.
In wholesale banking, banks will further harness Internet-enabled
technologies to improve customer offerings and service.

Banks will pay more attention to privacy and identity theft concerns

... snip ...

Internet trivia, 20th anniv:

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