
Make battery life 5 years.  Give the SIMs
16 MB and 4096-bit private keys with sub-second 
signing.  Provide secure PIN entry, a root 
certificate and touch screens in every handset. 

There is only one interesting question:

"Who do I sue when it doesn't work?"

Telia? Schlumberger? Nokia? Ericsson? You?

It's not about technology.  It's about
accepting liability.  Banks do it. 
Telcoms don't.  End of story.

Cheers, Scott


The Swedish branch of Nordea is planning to combine
bank cards with electronic identity.

Putting an electronic ID in a bank card

To put an electronic ID (usually in the form of PKI) in a [smart]
bank card has been mentioned quite often by bank-people as a
great idea.   The author of this letter is largely unconvinced of
the merits of such a system.  Below are some reasons for this.

1. An account is a shareable resource, while a personal ID is not,
which makes such a "resource mix" principally rather dubious.

2. Having an on-line world and assuming that the user can be
sufficiently authenticated, the distribution of static account
resources like EMV becomes completely redundant.  3D Secure
(et. al.) shows the way forward not only for payments but for
many other usages.

3. Putting an ID in a mobile phone having extensive local and
remote communication facilities eliminates the need for card
readers completely, as well as supporting numerous usage
scenarios that physical bank cards will never be able to do.

A question arises; will this third thing ever happen?  Progress
has indeed been very limited.   Due to things like battery capacity
improvements, crypto hardware improvements, and deprecation
of the operators' SIM-based solutions we should expect some
major action in this area the coming 18-36 months.  In addition,
Microsoft's entrance in the mobile phone market, will also put
pressure on the other players as Microsoft in their next update
claims to have about the same PKI support in their two phone
OSes, as has been available in Windows for years.

Anders Rundgren

Project leader for one such mobile phone-based PKI project,
occasionally referred to as "the smart card killer".

+46 70 - 627 74 37

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"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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