EMV: Likely to be DOA

EMV = Europay MasterCard VISA standard for a payment card
DOA= Dead On Arrival

In an off-line world which was the foundation for the EMV
specification, you essentially only can build a more secure
locally verifiable payment system.

Having an on-line world you can instead put the question:
What do CUSTOMERS want to do, payment-wise?  But
the EMV consortium rather put the question: what do WE
(as payment organizations), want to offer to the ISSUERS?

I claim that large corporate customers have needs that no card-
scheme support and will never be able to do either.  Such as:

- Virtual purchaser "card distribution" performed in-house
- Local control of purchases and purchasers before the actual
  transaction is performed
- A unified "card" system for local and on-line purchases

Is this possible to achieve?
Yes, trials will begin in selected areas in 18 months or so.

The on-line paradigm changes [almost] everything.

Anders Rundgren

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