Yep, everybody's going to instantly stop doing business
on the Internet until they can rent a $150 card reader
from a bank that uses the device to block transactions
with businesses that won't pay it PIN handling fee and
use their network and clearing services.
Has anybody seen the code that runs inside FINREAD?
I don't mean the interfaces.  I mean the source code.  
I'm starting to think that software that handles value
bearing traffic should be as open to inspection and
analysis as cryptographic algorithms.
Nobody (I hope) would use cryptograhy that was 
shrouded in magic and "I can't tell you because of
security concerns" fog.  Why isn't all value bearing 
software subject to same arguments as cryptography?
You just know that what is inside FINREAD is a
software mess scrambled together with a laundry
list of everybody's favorite hidden agenda and nickle
and dime fee schedule.
IMHO, as always.
Cheers, ScottG

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Anders Rundgren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Sun 6/8/2003 3:54 PM 
        Subject: FINREAD was. Authentication white paper

        regarding the references to FINREAD I believe the vision as
        represented by the following document
        has little foundation in reality.  I.e. reading current "king-sized"
        smart credit cards in mobile phones or PDAs seems like a rather
        complex idea taking in consideration the proliferation in the
        card sector.
        ----- Original Message -----
        From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 21:23
        Subject: Authentication white paper
        I'm in the process of finishing up an authentication white paper for an
        international financial "best practices" security book. Much of it reflects
        the various deliberations that went on in the x9a10 committee for the x9.59
        standard (requirement given the x9a10 committee to preserve the integrity
        of the financial infrastructure for ALL electronic retail payments; aka ALL
        as in not just internet, not just point-of-sale, not just credit, not just
        ACH, etc). Some specific issues related to the X9A10 committee work:
        A taxonomy for security is PAIN
        P ... privacy
        A ... authentication
        I ... identification
        N ... non-repudiation
        A taxonomy for authentication is 3-factor authentication.
        something you have (aka hardware token)
        something you know (either shared-secret or non-shared secret)
        something you are (biometrics, again either shared-secret or non-shared
        While x9.59 primarily deals with strong authentication for financial
        transactions, the original chair (Tom Jones) of X9A10,  put a lot of early
        work into non-repudiation for financial transactions. This effectively took
        the form of cosigning .... the early X9.59 work went on contemporary with
        the fstc/echeck work on people authentication cosigning (and FSML encoding,
        a lot of which has been folded into XML digital signature work). While
        neither kind of cosigning actually show up in the x9.59 standard, the
        standard was carefully written in such a way as to not preclude either form
        of cosigning.
        The concept behind Tom's work on consigning is synergistic with the EU
        FINREAD (financial reader) standard. In the past, there had been quite a
        bit of confusion generated somewhat assuming  that non-repudication and
        authentication could possibly be equivalent. This was possibly something of
        semantic confusion with the term "digital signature" somehow taken to be
        the equivalent of a human physical signature and all that it implies with
        respect to intention, agreement and non-repudiation.
        The FINREAD standard has a token acceptor device that is certified to
        display the value of the financial transactions followed by the entry of
        the hardware token PIN/Password (prior to the token performing
        authentication; as well as guaranteeing the value displayed is what is sent
        to the token for authentication).
        The simple design of a two-factor authentication system involves a
        PIN/Password that activates a hardware token performing a digital signature
        for authentication. The hardware token has been certified to not perform a
        signature unless the correct PIN has been entered. The existence of a
        digital signature then demonstrates possession of "something you have"
        token and implies that the correct "something you know"  PIN was entered.
        However, just because two-factor authentication was demonstrated, it hasn't
        demonstrated that a person has read and agreed with something. Intention
        and non-repudiation becomes a process that includes some human interaction.
        The EU FINREAD standard certifies a token acceptor device that implements a
        process that provides some degree of assurance that the process for
        non-repudiation/intention has been met, aka the correct amount was
        presented on the display, followed by explicit human interaction  (typing
        the correct PIN on the pad immediately below the display), and that the
        value presented to the token for signing matched what was on the display.
        In the case of a certified token, two-factor authentication can be inferred
        because the token will not have been performed w/o the correct PIN having
        been entered. In the case of certified FINREAD terminal, non-repudiation
        process can be inferred because the FINREAD terminal requires the PIN to be
        entered after the transaction has been displayed, and the FINREAD terminal
        guarantees what was sent to the token for signing is what is displayed and
        is sent after then PIN has been entered.
        The big difference between the current EU FINREAD standard (certified
        terminal attempting to establish the basis for inferring intention and/or
        non-repudiation) and the early X9A10 work by Tom Jones, was that Tom wanted
        the certified terminal/environment to cosign the transaction .... thereby
        proving that the signing actually took place using a certified
        terminal/environment. The existing FINREAD standard establishes the
        criteria for a certified signing environment/terminal (required for
        inferring intention/non-repudiation) but doesn't (yet) require proof that
        the signature actually occurred using such a certified
        The cosigning for X9.59 transactions was different than the FSTC e-check
        cosigning. The FSTC e-check cosigning wanted two (or more) entities
        authenticating the transaction. The X9.59 cosigning work wanted proof that
        a certified signing environment (process required for inferring intention
        and/or non-repudiation) was used (by the environment/terminal cosigning the
        Slightly related recent announcement from asuretee:
        aka instantiation of the aads chip strawman
        regarding trusted token acceptor device for ACH transactions:
        .... and as an aside the merged security taxonomy and glossary is at
        Note that otherwise similar tokens may come with three different types of
        1) no PIN required .... frequently found in low-value, high traffic transit
        locations. Single factor ("something you have") authentication is
        2) PIN required after power up ..... frequently found in two-factor
        authentication access applications, the token is powered up, the correct
        PIN entered, and the token may digitally sign an arbitrary number of
        authentication messages while powered up. The operation of the hardware
        token implies correct "something you know" PIN as part of two-factor
        3) PIN required for every message .... found in financial transaction
        applications and typically assumed to be used in an authentication
        environment that allows intention and/or non-repudiation to be inferred.
        The PIN, in addition to implying "something you know" authentication also
        implies some human physical event (entering the PIN) occurred as part of a
        non-repudiation process.
        Note that there is a significant difference in the shared-secret paradigm
        and the non-shared  secret paradigm. In the shared secret paradigm, the
        "something you know" is recorded at some central location and used to
        establish authentication. In the shared secret paradigm, the secret can be
        recorded in a private hardware token, and the knowledge of the secret can
        be inferred from the operation of the token; w/o actually requiring the
        secret to ever be divulged.
        As a footnote, X9.59 doesn't (directly) address the privacy part of
        security. There is current situation where credit-card transaction have
        encryptd transmission on the internet using SSL; in part because the
        account numbers are a form of shared secret (divulging the account number
        can result in fraudulent transactions). X9.59 as part of the original
        requirement "preserve the integrity of the financial infrastructure for all
        retail payments", specifies 1) authentication transactions and 2) account
        numbers that can only be used in authenticated transactions. As a result,
        X9.59 account numbes by themselves can't be used in fraudulent transactions
        and therefor no longer have to be treated as shared-secrets. It was
        observed, that in any transition, financial institutions could use existing
        business processes that map multiple different account numbers to the same
        Furthermore, the claim is that with strong two factor authentication
        ("something you have" and "something you know") operation, it would be
        possible to remove names from tokens and as part of transactions.  While
        X9.59 doesn't directly address financial privacy issues (via mechanisms
        like encryption), it indirectly aids privacy by eliminating account numbers
        as shared secrets and no longer requiring identification as part of
        Internet trivia, 20th anv:

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