
Call for Papers

Theme: (De-)Colonizing Knowledge
Subtitle: Figures, Narratives, and Practices
Type: Interdisciplinary Workshop
Institution: Research Area Global History, Free University of Berlin
Location: Berlin (Germany)
Date: 16.–17.2.2015
Deadline: 26.9.2014


The workshop “(De-)Colonizing Knowledge: Figures, Narratives, and
Practices” aims at analyzing the interrelationship between processes
of (de-)colonization and the production of knowledge during the 19th
and 20th centuries. In recent years, the history of knowledge has
developed into one of the most thriving fields in historiography.
Following Edward Said’s Orientalism (1978), discussion focused on the
production of ‘colonial knowledge’ by particularly analyzing
hegemonic dimensions of knowledge in the colonial context. This
research included a broad range of different methodological
approaches and themes – from the transnational networks of
geographers to the role of intermediaries as ‘brokers of modernity.’
However, two perspectives seem to have been widely neglected. First,
the impact of ‘local knowledge’ on the (re-)definition of knowledge
as a category. Second, the transition from colonial to decolonized
states and the consequences of this process for the circulation and
distribution of knowledge.

The proposed workshop will examine discussions and attempts to
(de)colonize knowledge production within academic disciplines as well
as ‘classical’ writings. Attempting to avoid any teleological
narratives and dichotomic boundaries, we will seek to explore how
‘Western’ thinkers like Max Weber or Pierre Bourdieu might have
framed their writings within colonial narratives. Additionally, we
hope to analyze the practice of knowledge production itself, whether
it be in the form of participant observations, social surveys, or the
creation of legal norms. The following questions will structure our
discussions: How is knowledge production intertwined with
‘unconscious’ or informell practices of information gathering? How
can we integrate ‘local’ perspectives without constructing the
‘local’ as a fixed entity? How can we define transitions from
colonial to postcolonial contexts, and what are the concrete
consequences for ‘new’ disciplines like development studies? And: How
can we decenter established master narratives and terminology?

This workshop attempts to challenge established narratives in the
humanities. We are interested in enlisting contributions from
anthropologists, historians, philosophers, literary studies, and
specialists in the field of law. Proposals for papers should not
exceed one page. Applications from Ph.D. candidates and postdoctoral
fellows are particularly welcome.

Transportation and accomodation will be covered.
Papers and a CV should be sent by September 26th to:
Matthias Thaden (mtha...@zedat.fu-berlin.de).


Prof. Dr. Alexandra Przyrembel
Freie Universität Berlin
Research Area Global History
Koserstr. 20
14195 Berlin
Email: alexandra.przyrem...@fu-berlin.de


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