
Call for Publications

Theme: Borders
Subtitle: Merging, Emerging, Emergent
Publication: Russian Sociological Review
Date: Special Issue (2014)
Deadline: 10.9.2014


The Russian Sociological Review (sociologica.hse.ru/en), an
international peer-reviewed academic journal published by the
National Research University — Higher School of Economics
(www.hse.ru), invites contributions from philosophy, social sciences
and cognate fields for the special issue entitled Borders: Merging,
Emerging, Emergent. In this issue, we would like to discuss various
meanings of the concept “border” and to go beyond a narrow
understanding of borders as a political or geographical phenomenon.
Therefore, we aim to provide a forum for those who study borders on
different levels and in its variety.

The concept itself seems to draw attention in many disciplines. As
spatial phenomena, borders are always drawn in spaces, while social
scientists, philosophers and other academics often have different
meanings of space. Recent reconsiderations of space in terms of
networks, flows and events, bring even more complexity to the
concept. There is a permanent demand for both theoretical and
empirical studies of borders on various levels. We expect
contributions that will look at the relevant phenomena from
contemporary or historical perspectives, study narratives about
borders, reconstructions of the empirical configurations of borders
and other objects (such as bodies), exploring how borders emerge and
reshape existing spaces, etc. Overall, the issue will contribute to
the emerging interdisciplinary field of border studies and encourage
cross-disciplinary dialogue.

In particular, we invite papers which address the following aspects:
- historical and modern understanding and contestation of borders;
- borders and bodies;
- borders and political events;
- narratives and changing orders;
- shifting borders and foundations of social order;
- situated actions and emerging borders;
- and other relevant aspects which may be of interest to border

In order to enrich cross-disciplinary communication we encourage
scholars from different disciplines (sociology, anthropology, urban
studies, human geography, political science, philosophy, intellectual
history etc.) to take part in the issue.

Preliminary dates:
September 10, 2014: The title and abstract of contribution
September 17, 2014: Notification of acceptance
October 17, 2014:   The first draft
November 1, 2014:   Results of editorial peer-review and feedback 
November 15, 2014:  The final draft
End of 2014:        Publication

Please note that the contributions to the special issue will be
primarily reviewed by the members of the editorial board and
therefore we expect that the process will not take considerably more
time than advertised.

Contributions should be sent via e-mail to the editor-in-chief
Professor Alexander Filippov (filippovaf@ gmail.com) and Nail
Farkhatdinov (farkhatdi...@gmail.com).

Papers should be no more than 12,000 words and written in English.
See website of the Review for the detailed guidelines for authors

About the Russian Sociological Review

The Russian Sociological Review is an academic peer-reviewed journal
of theoretical, empirical and historical research in social sciences.
It publishes three issues per year. Each issue includes original
research papers, review articles and translations of contemporary and
classical works in sociology, political theory and social philosophy.
The journal focuses on the fundamental issues of social sciences from
various conceptual and methodological perspectives. Understood
broadly the fundamental issues include but are not limited to: social
action and agency, social order, narrative, space and time,
mobilities, power, etc. The journal is indexed by Russian Science
Citation Index, Ulrichsweb, IBZ — International Bibliography of
Periodical Literature, IBR — International Bibliography of Book
Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social
Sciences, Citefactor and other databases.

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