
Call for Papers

Theme: Transition of Human Civilizations and Value Changes in Human
Type: International Conference
Institution: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP)
   Shaanxi Normal University
Location: Xian (China)
Date: 19.–20.7.2017
Deadline: 20.4.2017


During the process of modernization the industrial revolution in the
West dramatically changed the human civilization. It produced not
only advanced sciences and technologies, but also many paradoxes and
predicaments. Different modes of human civilizations and new
understandings and conceptions of human development and developmental
values have emerged in different cultural traditions across the world.

Indeed, civilization and development are closely connected with
interactions and mutual impacts. In fact, modern paradoxes and
predicaments are the results of crises of human civilizations due to
the un-proper understanding of human progresses and unreasonable

Facing these challenges people are urged to search for new
understandings, theories and models. Sustainable development in
environment, ecology, economics, society, etc., has become the major
focus in policy-making and actions in terms of human progresses.
Recently the Chinese government suggested the notion of
“people-oriented development” and “five development concepts”:
innovation, coordination, openness, greenness and sharing.

How to understand the transformation of human civilizations and the
change of developmental values, how to develop a new concept of
cultural values for humankind, and how to construct a just and
peaceful socio-political order of development in these complex and
fast changing times. These are not easy questions, but need joint
efforts of international communities, especially thinkers, scholars
and intellectuals, in our case, from all corners of the world to come
and think together in order to provide suggestive solutions and
insights for our common concerns.


1. Mechanism and law of the change of civilizations and social

2. Advantages and disadvantages of the modern civilization and its
   impact on concepts, models and practices of social development

3. New forms of human civilizations and their significance for value

4. New concepts of the human nature

5. The meaning of Chinese "five development concepts" for the
   development of human civilizations


Please send 300 words and a brief CV to Professsor Yuan Zushe
[zu...@163.com], and [cua-...@cua.edu] by April 20, 2017. Full papers
sent by June 30, 2017 will be considered to be published by the RVP
in its publication series "Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change".


There is no registration fee, Travel expense will be covered by
participants (or their institutions); the local organizer will
provide accommodations during the conference.


Professor Yuan Zushe
Email: zu...@163.com
Web: http://www.crvp.org/conferences/2017/xian.html


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