
Call for Papers

Theme: Tradition and Change in Contemporary World
Type: International Conference
Institution: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP)
   University of Central Asia
Location: Dushanbe (Tajikstan)
Date: 24.–25.7.2017
Deadline: 20.4.2017


As the recently independent state Central Asia has been undergoing
profound changes in all aspects, and facing not only economic and
social challenges, but especially transformations of its cultural

With new foundations emerging for identities people in Central Asia
are looking back to their past for inspirations and resources in
order to draw upon the richness of their cultural traditions and to
develop a new system of values. Responding to a widely felt need
scholars, thinkers and intellectuals are invited to come together to
foster a deep understanding of ethical issues and moral choices in
Central Asian society.

The Aga Khan Trust for Culture established the Aga Khan Humanities
Project for Central Asia (AKHP) in 1997. 10 years later AKHP became
part of the University of Central Asia (UCA) in 2007. UCA was founded
as an international educational organization in 2000 by the Republic
of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan,
and His Highness the Aga Khan.

AKHP promotes communication, dialogue and cooperation among
pluralistic peoples, cultures and civilization through exchanging
ideas and insights and sharing common values. It initiates and
supports curriculum in humanities for interdisciplinary undergraduate
studies, pedagogical and professional developments of faculty members
among universities in Central Asia and community outreach projects.
AKHP builds the community network across the region and helps people
in Central Asia explore and carry on their traditional values and
connect with the outside world. Students and faculty members are
encouraged to develop skills of critical thinking so as to understand
the diversity within each culture, and the similarity among different

Central Asia is a region with interaction and integration of many
ethnic and cultural communities, such as Buddhist, Chinese, Greek,
Indian, Iranian, Islamic, Jewish, Mongol, Russian, Turkic and
Zoroastrian. In addition the impact of the more recent Soviet
experience on shaping values and identities should not be
underestimated as well. Appreciation and understanding of the
breadth and depth of rich cultural heritages of Central Asia enable
its people to adjust to rapid changes and seize opportunities in
these global times.


Please send 300 words and a brief CV to Professsor Pulat Shozimov
[shozi...@mail.ru], and [cua-...@cua.edu] by April 20, 2017. Full
papers sent by June 30, 2017 will be considered to be published by
the RVP in its publication series "Cultural Heritage and Contemporary


There is no registration fee, Travel expense will be covered by
participants (or their institutions); the local organizer will
provide accommodations during the conference.


Professor Pulat Shozimov
Email shozi...@mail.ru  or  pulat.shozi...@ucentralasia.org 
Web: http://www.crvp.org/conferences/2017/Dushanbe.html


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