>My biggest concern about this proposal is that it doesn't specify the
>purposes for which this service can be used.  To put it another way,
>what services can rely on this information, and what services are 
>allowed to break if the result from the ICMPv6 query doesn't correspond 
>to what can be obtained from DNS (or to what applications running on 
>that host believe)?  

        at IETF48 zeroconf WG and dnsext WG, I heard some comment on making
        distinction between full qualified domain name (which is on the DNS
        database), and hostname (which is configured onto each of the host,
        and do not necessarily the same as FQDN).  Not sure if it has wide
        concensus, but it made some sense to me.
        - we look up FQDN through DNS database
        - we look up hostname through /etc/hosts
                (i'm not sure if it is really correct)
        - gethostname(3) returns hostname, not FQDN

        it is kind of confusing, but this gave me a way to understand the
        current situation.  if we are okay with the distinction,
        we may be able to state the following:
        - if we are to lookup some name via ICMPv6 name lookup, it would
          be hostname, not FQDN.
        we need to update name-lookup draft again, though.

        of course, the above distinction could be very wrong.  but then,
        how should we understand the current situation with gethostname(3)?

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