Thanks Geert. I disabled the line wrapper :D

On 3/31/19 11:10 PM, Geert Stappers wrote:
On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 03:05:28PM +0200, Ghassan Elrayah wrote:
On 3/30/19 8:09 PM, Ghassan Elrayah wrote:
I finally could install debian buster fully unattended by using the
following Kernel arguments:

set base-url
kernel ${base-url}/linux
initrd ${base-url}/initrd.gz
initrd t
imgargs linux auto vga=normal root=/dev/ram rw
file=/tmp/debian_buster_node.seed interface=eno1 fb=false
debian-installer=en_US.UTF-8 locale=en_US.UTF-8 kbd-chooser/method=us
auto-install/enable=true debconf/frontend=noninteractive priority=critical
console-setup/ask_detect=false keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap=us
keyboard-configuration/modelcode=pc105 keyboard-configuration/layoutcode=us
keyboard-configuration/variant=USA ---

Network configuration and hostname will be set with DHCP.

Thanks every body for helping me out.

You are welcome.

Below a rewrite of the above "this works for me". My mailer doesn't do auto 
line wrapper.  ( It does, but I can overrule it ;-)


set base-url

kernel ${base-url}/linux auto vga=normal root=/dev/ram rw 
file=/tmp/debian_buster_node.seed interface=eno1 fb=false 
debian-installer=en_US.UTF-8 locale=en_US.UTF-8 kbd-chooser/method=us 
auto-install/enable=true debconf/frontend=noninteractive priority=critical 
console-setup/ask_detect=false keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap=us 
keyboard-configuration/modelcode=pc105 keyboard-configuration/layoutcode=us 
keyboard-configuration/variant=USA ---

initrd ${base-url}/initrd.gz
initrd t 


The important change is not using 'imgargs'.

| Set command-line arguments to be passed to the specified image.
| This is an obsolete command that is included only for backwards
| compatibility with existing scripts. You can set the command-line
| arguments when you download the image using the chain, imgfetch, or
| kernel commands.

Geert Stappers


Ghassan Elrayah
System Engineer

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