Hello All,

I am new in .net programming and I have writing ruby codes more then 3 years. I want to write some codes, taking data from excel files to make something and
drawing somethings in AutoCAD.

I searched google and found some links about IronRuby and AutoCAD.. But, i could
not find step-by-step integration IronRuby and AutoCAD.

This site http://through-the-interface.typepad.com/through_the_interface/2009/04/using-ironruby-inside-autocad.html is give me some idea for integration.. But i could not find any information why i use
C# for integration to ruby for autocad.

How can i find the proper information AutoCAD and IronRuby integration? - especially
step-by-step guide -

Thank you for helps now.. Regards,



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