Hello Timothy,

I am very pleased for this information from you. If you give me
your email address i want to talk to you directly.

I am planing to user AutoCAD 2010 or AutoCAD 2011
- also later ZwCAD 2011 - and I am using Windows 7
pro 64bit, Micosoft Office XP.

If we will fulfill in this project, i am planing to write a
documantation about this integration in very detail..



On 03/02/2011 10:40 PM, Timothy Barnes wrote:
I have played around with this.

There are 2 steps:

1. Using the example given in the "Through the Interface" post you have
to use an existing .net language to create a "script engine" to allow
AutoCAD and Ironruby to talk. You should be able to copy Kean Walmsley's
script directly, pick the right .dll's for you version of AutoCAD, load
them and in your project in either Visual Studio or I have used
SharpDevelop, and follow the rest of Kean's directions to run scripts in

That is the hardest part.  It took me awhile to get step 1 to work.

2. Use either the "win32ole" library or .net libraries to connect to
excel. The best place I have found to read about the win32ole library
is: http://rubyonwindows.blogspot.com/search/label/excel
If you want to use .net libraries and you can't find ironruby examples,
find VB.net examples and the are the easiest to translate to ruby.

Side Notes:

1. MRI ruby can connect to autocad using the "win32ole" library. It is
virtually the same as using VBA. Don't know how long this ability will
last since VBA is going away.

2. David Blackmon has created helper libraries for drawing things in
autocad at:
B/c coding autocad in .net is very messy.
My understanding is David took what Kean did in his post and tried
improve and expand it.  Last I tried to get David's version to work I
couldn't. But I knew a lot less then :) I am not sure if he is actively
working on his autocad_helper library or not.

The previous commenters were correct in that there is not many people
interested in this subject yet. I am.

I am constanly working in excel and autocad so I will be glad to answer
any question that I can. If you can give me your version of windows and
your version of Autocad I can probably get you started. From there you
can explore the vast undiscovered potential the 2-3 other people
interested in this subject get to wander in.

Timothy Barnes


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