On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Tomas Matousek
<tomas.matou...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> I'd be fine with dropping support for *Desktop* v2.0. We need to support 
> Silverlight 3 builds though so that we continue running on Windows Phone 7. 
> This essentially means we can't get rid of the inner ring just yet. Do you 
> consider supporting IronPython on Windows Phone too? The only work that's 
> needed there is to interpret call-sites instead of compiling them. Some of 
> them already do so but there are others that don't. Plus you'd need a bit 
> refactoring to avoid referring Ref.Emit types in common code paths.

It's a pretty common request, but no one has stepped up to do it yet,
and it doesn't interest me personally. I don't want to rule it out,
though. I think we'd similar work to run on MonoTouch as well.
However, we could restrict that to the 2.7 line until WP gets a proper
Silverlight 4/CoreCLR runtime.

> Overall I don't think dropping v2.0 build buys us that much if we need 
> Silverlight 3 build anyways. Do you experience problems or excessive amount 
> of work supporting v2.0 builds?

We're still going to support them for 2.7, and 2.7 will be around for
a long time. For 3.0 I doubt I'll do anything to actively break 2.0
support, but testing against it won't be done on a regular basis, and
if it breaks, and no one steps up to fix it, it'll stay probably stay

- Jeff
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