On Wed, 19 Dec 2012, Steffen Juilf Smolka wrote:

in a39250169636, it is possible to increase/decrease the font size in jedit with cmd+<+>/cmd+<-> on MacOS (probably ctrl+<+>/ctrl+<-> on other plattforms) (nice feature!). However, pressing cmd+<+> increases the font size twice on my machine (cmd+<-> works fine).

That was one such convenience that I managed to get working after 20min Windows and Linux, followed by 2 weeks of tinkering on Mac OS X. But that is not finished yet, and there are remaining problems to treat CTRL, ALT, COMMAND modifiers properly: it can cause duplication or triplication of key events.

See also the mail thread on "Mac OS X support on Oracle Java 7" that Fabian Immler has started recently http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=30165793

It touches some of the internal issues, including a slightly odd workaround by myself to modify an older workaround to make it half-working again under Java 7.

This needs more systematic investigation, by instrumenting the jEdit sources to produce detailed traces for all critical points where the MacOSX specific key handling happens. Then it needs to be compared for Java 6 vs. Java 7, to reconstruct the ideas behind it, which nobody seems to remember on jedit-devel.

I am unsure if I will manage anything like that myself before the Isabelle release. Mac OS X poses a bit too many extra problems, and has a bit too few people actually supporting it actively. On jedit-devel there is right now exactly one Mac OS X guy hanging around.

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