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Dear Brothers and Sisters!
I hope and pray this email finds you in the best of health and ever increasing 
Iman, insha’Allah.
Reason for this email as you can gather from the title is to raise urgent funds 
for Gaza! We’re all subject to the bias media and many of us don’t put enough 
effort to know what’s really going on, so the second purpose of this email is 
to create awareness.
The plight of the Palestinians would have been going on for 60 years this year, 
but with Human Rights law that the West hold so dear and the UN you would never 
expect the situation in Gaza could get this bad. 
“Israel” withdrew from the Gaza strip in the summer of 2005, but did it? With 
complete control over borders, air space and sea the strip has been removed of 
occupation and put under siege….the worlds biggest open air concentration camp 
as has been described by some! 
 When the West asked for the Palestinian people to undertake free and fair 
elections, you could argue that the Palestinains set a precedent for this 
within the region, in the beginning of 2006. so what is the price of democracy 
for these people? It is that  Gaza is put under siege. It has been so for over 
a year on and off and constantly for the past 7.5 months…why?... because it is 
under the authority of a democratically elected government.
Gaza is the size of about 360 square km which is like the size of a single 
borough of London with a population of 1.5 million and a density rate of 27000 
individulas per one square km (just over half a mile) the most densly populated 
place in the world! Even Jeddah airport in Saudi Arabia is bigger than Gaza 
strip. 81% of the population live under the poverty line which is about a 
dollar a day and 53% are unemployed! Nothing and no one can come in or out of 
Gaza.....government employees have not been paid their wages for months, money 
is scarce therefore demand has vanished and as a result many businesses have 
had to shut down. The americans will not allow banks to deal with the 
government (hence there is hardly any money)and on a personal level it will not 
allow a transfer of over $5000 (about £2500) at any one time. "israel" is also 
withdrawing its currency (which is the main currency in the strip for which all 
other currencies are exchanged for!)
When bush visited the Middle East recently, he said he is committed to bringing 
about peace within the region, before he leaves office! He stated to scrap the 
previous UN resolutions which did not work (why didn’t they work? Because the 
US vetoed every single resolution) So a few days after his visit to Palestine 
and Occupied Palestine the Israelis started incursions into Gaza reinforced by 
air strikes…giving the green light to such barbaric behavior! This is the peace?
Conditions were previously dire and after these recent incidents, have become 
even more so. In the past week around 50 people were killed and dozens injured 
by Israeli attacks, the majority of them civilians (not that the killings of 
the resistance is justified) 73 ill people with curable conditions died because 
they have no access to medicines or hospitals outside Gaza. About 1700 face a 
slow painful death.
The siege has brought about catastrophic effects on daily and economic life.
In recent days power plants have had to be shut down because the fuel that is 
needed to run these plants to generate electricity has been blocked by the 
Israelis from being imported into Gaza. Gaza now lives in total darkness! What 
are the effects of this?... Hospitals are unable to treat the injured or the 
terminally ill as there is no electricity to operate equipment. Patients 
needing dialysis will be left to die. 
My mother-in-law suffers from asthma, so when my husband called home, his 
mother could not speak and had to hang up on him because she was suffering 
severely as there was no electricity  to operate the inhalator. She has to 
sleep the whole night breathless in the severe cold.
People cannot store food: meat or milk or such products as refrigerators can 
not run without electricity. The temperature at night inside is the same as 
outside, recently being below 0 degrees… but the people cannot warm their 
houses as there is guess what….no electricity!
The previous agricultural activities of the occupying settlers has left the 
water reserves lacking and contaminated. The pure clean drinking water is 
stolen by the israleis and pumped into the settlements and the Israeli cities. 
When this water is depleted the source is filled with sea water which is by no 
means drinkable. Due to this fact there has emerged water filtering companies 
from which the population has to buy for consumption purposes, these companies 
can not operate without electricity. The other major concern with water and no 
electricity is that lack of the latter brings about a failure in the sewage 
system making the sources of consumption water even more prone to contamination 
and roads being filled with ponds of sewage.
Universities cannot print examination papers…because there is no electricity 
and not even the basics of paper, due to the siege that blocks them from being 
provided to Gaza.
Tradesmen are having to pay demurrages to the Israelis for keeping their 
products in Israel which are not being allowed into Gaza. Those tradesmen that 
export perishables are having to let them perish! Again in recent days the 
union of companies have announced the closure of over 3000 companies. This 
means further unemployment, less liquidity, higher prices!
Hundreds of items of food are banned and the basics such as flour have 
quadrupled in price. There is no construction material to build and there is 
not even the simplest of furniture such as mattresses. 
As you could imagine, the above mentioned situation could bring anyone to 
breaking point! Just yesterday part of the border wall between Egypt and Gaza, 
Palestine was blown apart because of the starvation, destitution and suffering 
of these people. Tens and thousands flooded into Egypt to stock up on basic 
materials and others finally made it into Gaza after many months wait!
Despite this incident the siege continues! Israel continues to occupy Palestine 
with barbarism and tyranny without anyone batting an eye lid! Egypt, being a 
puppet of the West will soon be laying down its heavy hand on the Gazans….it is 
therefore essential that we do what we can for our brothers and sisters….to try 
and raise financial support and to create awareness!

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