
I'll reply to the original e-mail.

Yes, in theory it is possible, but iText does not support this. The only way 
would be to read the RTF specification and add the required RTF codes 
directly via the RtfDirectContent class.

On Wednesday 30 May 2007, Ruskin Dantra wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have already searched examples and mailing list archive and I found next
> to nothing on this topic.
> Is it possible to add elements (text including) to a rtf file at an
> absolute position? I know that rtf is very different from pdf but just
> wondering if there is way to do this using itext...I wouldn't mind it being
> complicated, as long as it is possible.
> Any help on the matter will be appreciated.
> Cheers
> Ruskin

Q:      What does it say on the bottom of Coke cans in North Dakota?
A:      Open other end.

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