Signing an XFA-based PDF is more complicated than signing a standard PDF
for a variety of reasons.

You will need to understand XML Digital Signatures, XFA and PDF to make it
all work.

On 7/11/11 4:04 PM, "Emmanuel Coste" <> wrote:

>Hello gentlemen,
>I know this topic is an old one but I encounter the same trouble computing
>this checksum in the xml.
>What I am trying to do is to fill an empty signature field of a "dynamic
>XML" pdf. This pdf is very basic and contains only 1 empty signature
>Once I've filled the signature field, I am updating the node "form" of the
>XML with this : 
><form xmlns="";
>   <subform name="formulaire1">
>      <instanceManager name="_"/>
>      <subform>
>         <field name="Signature1" access="readOnly"/>
>      </subform>
>      <pageSet>
>         <pageArea name="Page1"/>
>      </pageSet>
>   </subform>
>For test purpose, I've hard-coded the checksum (as you did) and I can see
>that my PDF file is valid through Acrobat Reader.
>I am trying to get an explanation for the checksum calculation but for the
>time being, I did not find anything (looking for in the PDF32000_2008.pdf
>and xfa_spec_3_1.pdf documentation).
>Could you please help me with this one?
>Thank you very much in advance,
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