On 17/02/2013 0:29, Leonard Rosenthol wrote:
> On 2/16/13 3:51 AM, "1T3XT BVBA"<i...@1t3xt.info>  wrote:
>> >This includes R&D regarding the Matterhorn Protocol.
> Why do you believe this is an important thing to invest in?   Do you have
> any customers asking for it?  Have you talked to other vendors (of note)
> who plan to introduce this into their products?  Do you believe that
> supporting it will have a benefit to users?

Let's start with something completely different:
I downvoted an answer on StackOverflow (costing my 1 reputation point) 
because I'm really tired of people saying "there's a bug in iText" while 
in reality they are using the wrong class for what they are trying to 
achieve: Downvoted because examples like this cause an enormous amount 
of support questions such as: "the page size of copied content is 
different from the original document", "all the annotations are gone 
after copying", etc... People should read the documentation!

See also 
Here mkl (also very active on this mailing-list) says: "I wonder why so 
many people find the wrong examples first..."

I really get frustrated when people use iText the wrong way. I know I 
shouldn't, but I can't help it.

With this in mind:
Once we start saying that iText supports PDF/UA creation, we'll need to 
make sure people don't have the wrong expectations. Sure, you'll be able 
to create correct PDF/UA documents using iText, but iText is a library 
that allows you to do many things. That is: it also allows you to 
pretend creating a PDF/UA document that isn't conforming with the PDF/UA 
standard. Although right use of iText will create correct PDFs, we all 
know that you can seriously screw up a PDF because iText is so 
versatile. Remember the "with great power comes great responsibility" 
quote (taken from Spider-Man) mentioned in the "iText in Action" books.

We need good documentation and a good set of rules to make sure 
developers using iText create PDF/UA documents correctly. Having a clear 
checklist based on the PDF/UA standard as well as the Matterhorn 
protocol should help.

I have to admit that I haven't started working on that documentation 
yet. I've assigned the PDF/UA-related development to a team within iText 
Software, and they're developing the functionality. Once they consider 
the functionality to be stable, I'll start reading all the related 
documentation, compare it with the implementation, document it, and 
whilst writing the documentation improve the code where necessary.

Is there a market for it? There's certainly a market for PDF/UA if I 
look at the inquiries we receive through http://itextpdf.com/sales/
Is there a market for related UA protocols? I don't know. I always start 
with the academic approach; then afterwards I switch my point of view 
and I look at use cases: is there a business for it? If there is, let's 
promote it; if there isn't, it was a good learning experience.

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iText-questions mailing list

iText(R) is a registered trademark of 1T3XT BVBA.
Many questions posted to this list can (and will) be answered with a reference 
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