> Just remember that it is IMPOSSIBLE to create a PDF/UA compliant document
> (for the normal cases of document) w/o human intervention.  This is,
> unfortunately, by design in PDF/UA - and accessibility in general (WCAG
> has the same issue).

That's such a strange way to put it! "Accessibility has the same issue." 
Really? Accessibility is a set of specific feature requirements, no more, 
no less. I agree, they are in many cases onerous, but that's not 
fortunate or otherwise, it just IS. 

Many aspects of our favorite file format have "unfortunately, by design"
issues, do they not? It's just part of the job, no?

I addressed the subject of human validation this post, as it is indeed a 
KEY point in choosing when and how to enable PDF/UA flagging in output 


>  Some things, such as Alt text for images, has to be
> provided by humans and can't be auto-generated.

Not to mention that proper reading order and correct semantics have
 to be verified by humans at some point (I emphasize that last) in the 
workflow. That's because software alone is perfectly capable of 
ordering stuff backwards and tagging tables as figures. 
Implementation is another matter. Go ahead and invent smarter 
auto-tagging and validation-assist software; plenty of people will buy it.

> My question was how useful putting stuff into the PDF itself (in the form
> of Matterhorn) mattersÅ 

Well, you might guess that I think it's VERY important! ;-)

The reason is simple. As you pointed out, validation involves 
humans, and that's expensive. Matterhorn addresses the problem 
by making validation data interoperable.


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