On 7/12/2014 7:53 AM, Eduard Drenth wrote:
> Dear all,
> I used to base my iText development on 2.1.7. Recently I decided to stop
> this and only go with the agpl version. I am almost done refectoring and
> now looking for a new name. I would appreciate your input for this.
> The goal of the software is to minimize the need for coding, the
> functionality is:
> - xml configuration and/or annotations to turn Java data objects into
> report building blocks
> - css like styling
> - a firebug like debug mode to help evaluate styling
> There is a supporting (JavaFX) GUI
> Old name: VectorPrintReport
> New name: iTextStyling? ConfigurableIText?
> Please let me now if you have any suggestions.

iText is a trademarked name. I would avoid using a name that refers to 

Suppose that you call your app iTextStyling, people using it will turn 
to us for support.
As we are not responsible for your project, nor affiliated with you, we 
will tell these people that they are using software that is not endorsed 
by us and that they should contact you. If you, as an individual, can 
not provide this support, you could create a negative perception. I have 
forwarded one of your previous mails to a business developer at iText. 
He'll take a look at your project in the second half of August. In my 
assessment, I explained that I don't see the business case. You may want 
to put the technical development on hold for a while, and work on the 
business side first.

Remember: good engineers build great technology; great engineers also 
create a sustainable business model.

For the moment, we only see the technology you've built. We don't see 
the business model.

In any case: I strongly advise not using the name iText when choosing a 
name for your app.

iText-questions mailing list

iText(R) is a registered trademark of 1T3XT BVBA.
Many questions posted to this list can (and will) be answered with a reference 
to the iText book: http://www.itextpdf.com/book/
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