On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 08:59:48AM +0200, Martin Dauskardt wrote:
> is it similar like this? :
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/ivtv/devel/32970

Yep, looks exactly like that.

> The flickering problem has been solved in ivtv 0.10 for cards with cx23416.
> Unfortunately the problem still exists with cx23415, which is present on
> PVR350.

Hmm, I see.
> I don`t use Myth but vdr. A reliable fix was to close and reopen the device
> at every channel switch. 
> @ Hans: If the flickering doesn`t happen with ivtv 0.1.9 it might be worth
> to have a look at the differencies.

I didn't have the flickering before (with 0.7.0), and channel switching was
(much) slower. Perhaps there the close/reopen device was done when changing


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