My ivy files look like the ones listed below. I tried changing the dependency
in ParentModule on ChildModule to use conf="*->*" but that made no
difference. The ivy reports for master, compile, and default are always
showing TestModule as a dependency of ParentModule because it was a
dependency of common-util in test. It's as though it's ignoring the
"test->default" rule that I stated in childmodule.

    <artifact name="junit" type="jar" ext="jar"/>

        <conf name="master"/>
        <conf name="test" extends="master"/>
        <conf name="compile" extends="master"/>
        <conf name="default" extends="master"/>

        <artifact name="ChildModule" conf="master"/>

        <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="${junit.version}" 
conf="test->default" />

        <conf name="master"/>
        <conf name="test" extends="master"/>
        <conf name="compile" extends="master"/>
        <conf name="default" extends="master"/>

        <artifact name="ParentModule" conf="master"/>

        <dependency org="MyOrg" name="ChildModule" rev="${childmodule.version}" 
        <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="${junit.version}" 
conf="test->default" />

On Thu, 1 May 2008, Archie Cobbs wrote:

>What do the <dependency> sections of each of the three ivy.xml files look
>On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 6:11 PM, Jimmy Wan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm seeing a problem where dependencies of my dependencies end up in every
>> configuration, but it seems like they shouldn't.
>> Example:
>> TestModule is a dependency of ChildModule for the configuration "test"
>> ChildModule is a dependency of ParentModule with no specified
>> configuration
>> (i.e. all).
>> I now see TestModule as a dependency of ParentModule for all
>> configurations.
>> Am I doing something wrong? TestModule has no stated configurations.
>> ChildModule and ParentModule have the same set of multiple configurations.
>> The "test" configuration and the "default" configuration are both
>> decendants of the "master" configuration.
>> I'm using 2.0.0-beta2.

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