Thanks, I tried it again and it unpacked the artifact successfully. However it 
would be nicer to put packaging attribute without extra namespace. Because it 
can be added without extra namespace in the publications artifacts.

But now I have another problem. In dependency artifacts I have two artifacts 
with classifiers as follow:

         <dependency org="org.myapp" name="hello-world" 
rev="0.2.0-SNAPSHOT" conf="internal->default">
             <artifact name="hello-world" ext="zip" e:packaging="zip" 
e:classifier="windows-64" />
             <artifact name="hello-world" ext="zip" e:packaging="zip" 
e:classifier="linux-64" />

After running the retrieve command:
java -jar $IVY_HOME/ivy-2.4.0.jar -settings "./ivysettings.xml" -ivy 
"./ivy.xml" -retrieve "./dist/lib/[artifact]/[classifier].[ext]" -m2compatible
In the output folder I have two unpackaged folders as follows:

But the problem is that the two folders have the same content. That means ivy 
extracts only one of them. And it is randomly. Then I looked at the Ivy source 
code and I think the problem is in org.apache.ivy.core.pack.PackagingManager. 
Here is my diff:

# This patch file was generated by NetBeans IDE
# It uses platform neutral UTF-8 encoding and \n newlines.
--- <html> (<b>Aug 21, 2015 5:25:44 PM</b>)</html>
+++ <html> (<b>Aug 21, 2015 5:32:57 PM</b>)</html>
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
-import java.util.Map;
 import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.Artifact;
 import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultArtifact;
 import org.apache.ivy.core.settings.IvySettings;
@@ -64,13 +63,13 @@
                ext = packing.getUnpackedExtension(ext);
-               for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : 
artifact.getExtraAttributes().entrySet()) {
+               String classifier = "";
+               if (artifact.getExtraAttribute("classifier") != null) {
+                       classifier = "_" + 
-               String classifier = artifact.getExtraAttribute("classifier");
                DefaultArtifact unpacked = new 
-                               artifact.getPublicationDate(), 
+                               artifact.getPublicationDate(), 
artifact.getName() + classifier,
                                artifact.getType() + "_unpacked", ext);
                return unpacked;

Best regards
Tamer Erdogan

-----Original Message-----
From: Jaikiran Pai [] 
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2015 22:59
Subject: Re: dependency packaging unpack problem

I just gave this a try and it worked for me. It could be that in your case the 
unpacking is failing for some reason.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:e="";>
     <info organisation="org.myapp" module="foo-bar" 

         <conf name="internal" visibility="private"/>


         <dependency org="org.myapp" name="hello-world" 
rev="0.2.0-SNAPSHOT" conf="internal->default">
             <artifact name="hello-world" ext="zip" e:packaging="zip" />

Then I run:

java -jar $IVY_HOME/ivy-2.4.0.jar -settings "./ivysettings.xml" -ivy 
"./ivy.xml" -retrieve "./dist/lib/[artifact].[ext]" -sync -m2compatible

I see this log:

Unpacking org.myapp#hello-world;0.2.0-SNAPSHOT!

and I see it extracted in the dist/lib folder. I'm using 2.4.0 of Ivy.


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