     I was looking through the patches and stuff that needs to be done for
integration ... tried to create a patch, actually, but it crashes Japhar
with JDK :)

     I think the best place to start integrating would be to move Thread and
Class to use NSA (native state).  That can be tested on normal Japhar and
thus doesn't come with the uncertainties of a Classpath port.  If it works
on one, it *should* work on the other.
     Also Constructor/Field/Method, once those work.
     These changes will make the code a lot simpler in addition to working
across multiple class libraries.

     The previous Japhar patch contains all the points in the existing code
that had to be modified to work with Classpath.  I presume that they are the
only places you'll have to modify to get something working.  I can send you
the patch I made today ... it would give you a starting point, but is
obviously flawed (in a segfault sort of way).  Let me know if you want that.

--John Keiser

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