That is off of the TermSpans class. BTQ (BoostingTermQuery) is implemented to extend SpanQuery, thus SpanNearQuery isn't, w/o modification, going to have access to these things. However, if you look at the SpanTermQuery, you will see that it's implementation of Spans is indeed the TermSpans class. So, I think you could cast to it or handle it through instanceof.

I am not completely sure here, but it seems like we may need an efficient way to access the TermPositions for each document. That is, the Spans class doesn't provide this and maybe it should somehow. Again, I am just thinking out loud here.

Thus, if we modified Spans to have the following methods:

byte[] getPayload(byte[] data, int offset)

boolean isPayloadAvailable()

I think this would be useful.  Perhaps this should be discussed on dev.


On Jul 12, 2007, at 8:20 AM, Peter Keegan wrote:

I'm looking for Spans.getPositions(), as shown in BoostingTermQuery, but
neither NearSpansOrdered nor NearSpansUnordered (which are the Spans
provided by SpanNearQuery) provide this method and it's not clear to me how
to add it.


On 7/11/07, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I'm now looking at using payloads with SpanNearQuery but I don't see any : clear way of getting the payload(s) from the matching span terms. The
: positions for the payloads seem to be buried beneath SpanCells in the

Isn't Spans.start() and Spans.end() what you are looking for?


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Grant Ingersoll
Center for Natural Language Processing

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