2) Do a CAG adding all of the rounded rectangles together into one
gigantic clipping shape. This is probably.... Er definitely the

BTW, Area is great for doing lots of complex CAG operations on arbitrary geometry, but for a specific subset of its capabilities:

       - All geometry is known to have the same winding direction
               (whether it is clockwise or counter-clockwise)
       - No single element of the geometry is self-intersecting
               (or if it does self-intersect, it doesn't reverse
                its direction to do so)
       - You want to do an Area "add" operation

then the fastest way to get a union of all of those pieces is just to
append them to a GeneralPath created with a "Nonzero Winding Direction"
rule.  The Nonzero rule naturally unions all geometry that "winds" the
same way...


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