Jan Bo"senberg (INCORS GmbH) wrote:
I am currently implementing some printing functionality for our app and
found a number of limitations with javax.print.PrintService.

For example:
- the attributes PrinterMakeAndModel and PrinterInfo never seem to
provide any information

RFE 4673400 Support javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterMakeAndModel etc.

I am not sure how completely supportable this is. The information
may not be available. But we could implement it where available.

- there is no ServiceUIFactory available for any of my print services

Do you mean the serices returned to you by the JDK?
No, we don't currently support these on the services.
But the principle use for these is if you write your own print service,
its a way to add in its functionalitu to ServiceUI.printDialog(..)
without rewriting it.
What are you trying to do ?

- setting Chromaticity to monochrome still produces color prints on our
color laser printer (and I can select color mode for our black and white

Not sure about this. Did you check if the service/driver
supported this option? It could be that it does not.

- the PrintQuality attribute never seems to be supported

Is this Windows? On Windows the GDI DEVMODE struct interprets
a positive value in the dmPrintQuality as "X resolution" instead

quoting MSDN :
    Specifies the y-resolution, in dots per inch, of the printer. If
the printer initializes this member, the dmPrintQuality member specifies
the x-resolution, in dots per inch, of the printer.

so you get resolution OR quality, never both.

If you mean on Unix it depends how we are printing. Its possible
CUPS might expose 'quality' or again it might be 'resolution'
but on unix its likely just not something we can detect

All these limitations are not really severe, but since I have to
implement our own print dialog amyway, I am wondering if they will be
fixed in future or if they are simply a result of the way java accesses
the OS print services. In the last case I could simply omit some options
in our print dialog.

My two simple questions are: Do these limitations only exist on some
systems? And is there are chance that (some of) the limitations of
PrintService will be fixed in Java 7 or 8?

Something of a mixture of the two.




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