processing in software could benefit from porting
their operations to
the GPU -- regardless of whether those pixels are
going straight to the
display or coming back out of VRAM to be written to a

Yes I know gpgpu and yes I've already on such a project, I also have some posts 
in their forums.
Now write some software which does what you describe here, implement it using 
the D3D pipeline including readbacks to VRam and once with  the headless 
software-only Toolkit - now load your service with 20-50 concurrent users 
(otherwise the faster pipeline would not make any sence) - and compare your 
No matter wether you use a 8800GTX or a Readeon-3870, the results will be 
disappointing compared with the software-only pipeline - if you don't believe 
me simply try it out.

  I agree - for servers it's much easier to scale using CPUs
  than GPUs - at least, for now.


lg Clemens
[Message sent by forum member 'linuxhippy' (linuxhippy)]


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