Unfortunately you will not be able to force it
using -Dsun.java2d.d3d=true .
Couldn't this be changed at least for the operating-system checks?
If someone specifies d3d he really wants D3D enabled, otherwise he/she would 
not specify it, or sun.java2d.d3d=true/false/force?

This is like taking away the power of descision away from the user which could 
make some users quite angry :-/

  There is a way to ignore the results of the hw checks
  and force the use of the pipeline, just not via the -D
  property but via special env. variable.

  We'd like not to expose this unless really necessary
  because if people start just setting a property
  left and right (as they can or will be able to
  with the webstart or applet) - their users may
  pay for it, because on some systems the drivers
  can bluescreen the system.

  Thank you,

lg Clemens
[Message sent by forum member 'linuxhippy' (linuxhippy)]


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